Day 29 Line by Line

I’m just like everyone else… Busy. Full time wife, mom, career woman, part time author, daughter, dogs, blog and the list goes on.

People often ask me how I find time to write. The answer-always and never. I’m always writing in my mind, narrating, or creating. But getting it out and down is a lot more difficult. Sitting down and writing for hours isn’t often a luxury I get. I crave it and often need it, but as with many things I have to schedule it.

In order to harness my creativity in the meantime, I just write a line at a time. I write at red lights, waiting in the doctors office, in the car line at the kids school, in the drive thru at McDonalds, and basically wherever I can seek out a few moments. It can be frustrating when I can’t write a story as quickly as I would like to. But that’s just my life so I accept it because I’m happy that I get to do it at all.

I’ve told stories in my mind ever since I can remember, narrating life as I see it. Now I just try to capture it moment by moment, line by line, breathing life into an idea until it becomes a story. Stepping away from the story and revisiting it in snippets gives me a different perspective. As frustrating as it can be to write that way, I don’t mind.

As with a lot of things in life, writing just takes patience and time.

Line by line.

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